Friday, January 9, 2009


This past week, Brad has been playing chess with the boys in the evenings. This is the first time he's tried to teach Will and he's catching on quickly. Last night Brad was out and Adam was wandering around bored when he asked Will if he wanted to play chess. Will said yes right away in spite of only having played twice before.
Adam was a good teacher. I was pretty useless since I keep about as far away from chess as I do golf. So, they were forced to rely on their own, somewhat spotty, recollection of the rules. At one point I heard Adam say to Will, "Let's just play this way for now since we don't know the rules." It was getting late and I told them they had to wrap up the game or finish it tomorrow. Next thing I knew Will was running up to me with his hands full of chess pieces to tell me he'd won. Adam's story is that he helped Will to win so the game would be over. There's hope for them yet...

1 comment:

kathy said...

Yay, Adam. Just when you think they will never grow up, they do!
Although knowing Will's card shark skills, he may be beating everyone soon.