Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas morning started earlier than usual this year. Adam was up at 5 and had the restraint to wait till 6 to wake Will up. Then, since they were told not to wake us up till it was light out, they occupied themselves in their room till 7 when Nedra(who was sleeping over) took pity on them and offered to read them a story.
The big excitement when they first came down were the Pokemon cards in their stockings and the candy. I think everything was downhill after that. My highlight was of course the surprise Bosch mixer. It was a pretty civilized present opening- not too overwhelming or chaotic. Lots to keep them busy for awhile.
After a breakfast of waffles and sausage we got into gear getting ready for Brad's sister Karen's family who where flying in that afternoon. They arrived around 4:30 and all eleven of us(including Brad's mom and dad) sat down to a yummy meal of ham mashed potatoes and rolls and various appetizers- cheese, cut veggies and dip, shrimp and cocktail sauce, olives. It was good to visit with all of them and reconnect.
At the end of the evening, we pushed Lyle's car out of the snow where it was stuck and drove Karen's family to the nearby bank where they had parked when they got stuck trying to come down our street. It was really a white Christmas.

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